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Community Wishlist Survey 2023 opens in January[edit]

Please help translate to your language

(There is a translatable version of this message on MetaWiki)


The Community Wishlist Survey (CWS) 2023, which lets contributors propose and vote for tools and improvements, starts next month on Monday, 23 January 2023, at 18:00 UTC and will continue annually.

We are inviting you to share your ideas for technical improvements to our tools and platforms. Long experience in editing or technical skills is not required. If you have ever used our software and thought of an idea to improve it, this is the place to come share those ideas!

The dates for the phases of the Survey will be as follows:

  • Phase 1: Submit, discuss, and revise proposals – Monday, Jan 23, 2023 to Sunday, Feb 6, 2023
  • Phase 2: WMF/Community Tech reviews and organizes proposals – Monday, Jan 30, 2023 to Friday, Feb 10, 2023
  • Phase 3: Vote on proposals – Friday, Feb 10, 2023 to Friday, Feb 24, 2023
  • Phase 4: Results posted – Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023

If you want to start writing out your ideas ahead of the Survey, you can start thinking about your proposals and draft them in the CWS sandbox.

We are grateful to all who participated last year. See you in January 2023!

Thank you! Community Tech, STei (WMF) 16:43, 15 December 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hamarosan lezárul a szavazás az Általános Viselkedési Szabályzat felülvizsgált végrehajtási irányelveiről[edit]

A Meta-wiki oldalán további nyelvekre lefordítva is megtalálhatod ezt az üzenetet.

Üdvözlök mindenkit!

A szavazás három nap múlva, 2023. január 31-én, 23.59 UTC időpontban zárul a felülvizsgált Általános Viselkedési Szabályzat végrehajtási irányelveiről. Kérjük, látogass el a szavazói információk oldalra a Meta-wikin a szavazásra való jogosultsággal kapcsolatos információkért és a szavazás módjára vonatkozó részletekért. A végrehajtási irányelvekről és a szavazási folyamatról további információ olvasható az előző üzenetben.

Az UCoC projektcsapat nevében,

Community feedback-cycle about updating the Wikimedia Terms of Use starts[edit]

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hello everyone,

Wikimedia Foundation Legal Department is organizing a feedback-cycle with community members to discuss updating the Wikimedia Terms of Use.

The Terms of Use (ToU) are the legal terms that govern the use of websites hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. We will be gathering your feedback on a draft proposal from February through April. The draft will be translated into several languages, with written feedback accepted in any language.

This update comes in response to several things:

  • Implementing the Universal Code of Conduct
  • Updating project text to the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license
  • Proposal for better addressing undisclosed paid editing
  • Bringing our terms in line with current and recently passed laws affecting the Foundation, including the European Digital Services Act

As part of the feedback cycle two office hours will be held, the first on March 2, the second on April 4.

For further information, please consult:

On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Legal Team,

AAkhmedova (WMF) - 12:41, 22 February 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Your wiki will be in read only soon[edit]

Trizek (WMF) (Discussion) 21:20, 27 February 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Reminder: Office hours about updating the Wikimedia Terms of Use[edit]

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hello everyone,

This a reminder that the Wikimedia Foundation Legal Department is hosting office hours with community members about updating the Wikimedia Terms of Use.

The office hours will be held on March 2, at 17:00 UTC to 18:30 UTC. See for more details here on Meta.

Another office hours will be held on April 4.

We hereby kindly invite you to participate in the discussion. Please note that this meeting will be held in English language and led by the members of the Wikimedia Foundation Legal Team, who will take and answer your questions. Facilitators from the Movement Strategy and Governance Team will provide the necessary assistance and other meeting-related services.

On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Legal Team,

B Pipal (WMF)

Wikimania 2023 Welcoming Program Submissions[edit]

Do you want to host an in-person or virtual session at Wikimania 2023? Maybe a hands-on workshop, a lively discussion, a fun performance, a catchy poster, or a memorable lightning talk? Submissions are open until March 28. The event will have dedicated hybrid blocks, so virtual submissions and pre-recorded content are also welcome. If you have any questions, please join us at an upcoming conversation on March 12 or 19, or reach out by email at or on Telegram. More information on-wiki.

Valaki feltenné a cikkben szereplő képet jogsértőre? Oda van írva alá, hogy, és feltöltötte sajátjaként. Nem tudom, hogy megy itt. Bináris (talk) 12:10, 26 March 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

@Bináris: ✓ Done (a visszakereshetőség érdekében: a File:Fábry szabolcs.jpg-ről volt szó). Szerintem magával a szerkesztői lappal is kéne kezdeni valamit, de azt rád hagyom. – Tacsipacsi (talk) 08:56, 27 March 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Köszi, ezt a sorrendet gondoltam helyesnek, hogy ne veszítsük szem elől a képet. Bináris (talk) 09:24, 27 March 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Report on voter comments from the revised UCoC Enforcement Guidelines ratification vote[edit]

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hello all,

The Universal Code of Conduct project team has completed the analysis of the comments accompanying the ratification vote on the revised Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines.

All respondents to the vote had the opportunity to provide comments regarding the contents of the revised Enforcement Guidelines draft document. A total of 369 participants left comments in 18 languages; compared to 657 commenters in 27 languages in 2022. The Trust and Safety Policy team completed an analysis of these results, categorizing comments to identify major themes and areas of focus within the comments. The report is available in translated versions on Meta-wiki here. Please help translate into your language.

Again, we are thankful to all who participated in the vote and discussions. More information about the Universal Code of Conduct and its Enforcement Guidelines can be found on Meta-wiki.

On behalf of the Universal Code of Conduct project team,

AAkhmedova (WMF) - 10:47, 3 April 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Call for early input on the proposed Movement Charter ratification methodology[edit]

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hello all,

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) is collecting early input from the Wikimedia movement on the proposed methodology for the ratification of the Movement Charter from April 10 to 28, 2023. Ratification of the Movement Charter is planned to take place in early 2024 according to the timeline.

There are six questions that the MCDC requests your input on. Please share your feedback by:

Conversation hours

The MCDC also invites everyone interested in sharing their feedback on the proposed methodology to join the community conversation hours:

The language of conversation hours is English. Please comment if you need language support. Please note that language interpretation will be provided if at least 3 people expressed interest to participate in the following languages: Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian and Spanish.

On behalf of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee,

AAkhmedova (WMF) - 19:07, 11 April 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Your wiki will be in read-only soon[edit]

MediaWiki message delivery 00:41, 21 April 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Seeking volunteers for the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct process[edit]


As follow-up to the message about the Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines by Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Vice Chair, Shani Evenstein Sigalov, I am reaching out about the next steps. I want to bring your attention to the next stage of the Universal Code of Conduct process, which is forming a building committee for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). I invite community members with experience and deep interest in community health and governance to nominate themselves to be part of the U4C building committee, which needs people who are:

  • Community members in good standing
  • Knowledgeable about movement community processes, such as, but not limited to, policy drafting, participatory decision making, and application of existing rules and policies on Wikimedia projects
  • Aware and appreciative of the diversity of the movement, such as, but not limited to, languages spoken, identity, geography, and project type
  • Committed to participate for the entire U4C Building Committee period from mid-May - December 2023
  • Comfortable with engaging in difficult, but productive conversations
  • Confidently able to communicate in English

The Building Committee shall consist of volunteer community members, affiliate board or staff, and Wikimedia Foundation staff.

The Universal Code of Conduct has been a process strengthened by the skills and knowledge of the community and I look forward to what the U4C Building Committee creates. If you are interested in joining the Building Committee, please either sign up on the Meta-Wiki page, or contact ucocproject(_AT_) by May 12, 2023. Read more on Meta-Wiki.

Best regards,

Xeno (WMF) 19:00, 26 April 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Selection of the U4C Building Committee[edit]

The next stage in the Universal Code of Conduct process is establishing a Building Committee to create the charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). The Building Committee has been selected. Read about the members and the work ahead on Meta-wiki.

-- UCoC Project Team, 04:20, 27 May 2023 (UTC)

Announcing the new Elections Committee members[edit]

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hello there,

We are glad to announce the new members and advisors of the Elections Committee. The Elections Committee assists with the design and implementation of the process to select Community- and Affiliate-Selected trustees for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. After an open nomination process, the strongest candidates spoke with the Board and four candidates were asked to join the Elections Committee. Four other candidates were asked to participate as advisors.

Thank you to all the community members who submitted their names for consideration. We look forward to working with the Elections Committee in the near future.

On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees,

RamzyM (WMF) 17:59, 28 June 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Review the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee[edit]

Hello all,

I am pleased to share the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct work. The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) draft charter is now ready for your review.

The Enforcement Guidelines require a Building Committee form to draft a charter that outlines procedures and details for a global committee to be called the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). Over the past few months, the U4C Building Committee worked together as a group to discuss and draft the U4C charter. The U4C Building Committee welcomes feedback about the draft charter now through 22 September 2023. After that date, the U4C Building Committee will revise the charter as needed and a community vote will open shortly afterward.

Join the conversation during the conversation hours or on Meta-wiki.


RamzyM (WMF), on behalf of the U4C Building Committee, 15:34, 28 August 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

A wikitek hamarosan csak olvasható lesz[edit]

Trizek_(WMF) (talk) 09:23, 15 September 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

== Opportunities open for the Affiliations Committee, Ombuds commission, and the Case Review Committee ==[edit]

Hi everyone! The Affiliations Committee (AffCom), Ombuds commission (OC), and the Case Review Committee (CRC) are looking for new members. These volunteer groups provide important structural and oversight support for the community and movement. People are encouraged to nominate themselves or encourage others they feel would contribute to these groups to apply. There is more information about the roles of the groups, the skills needed, and the opportunity to apply on the Meta-wiki page.

On behalf of the Committee Support team,

~ Keegan (WMF) (talk) 16:40, 9 October 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

A 2024. évi Wikimédia Alapítvány kuratóriumi választásának szabályzati csomagja megtekinthető és kommentálható[edit]

A Meta-wiki oldalán további nyelvekre lefordítva is megtalálhatod ezt az üzenetet.

Kedves Mindenki,

Kérlek olvasd el és kommentált a Wikimédia Alapítvány kuratóriumi választásának szabályzati csomagját 2023. október 29-ig. A választási szabályzati csomagot a Választási Bizottság a korábbi változat alapján készítette el, ezt fogjuk alkalmazni a 2024. évi kuratóriumi választások során. Kommentjeid segítségével biztosíthatjuk egy gördülékenyebb, jobb kuratóriumi választási folyamatot. További információ a Meta-wiki oldalán


Katie Chan
A Választási Bizottság elnöke

01:12, 17 October 2023 (UTC)