
About 2 minutes

Destination: Conversion

Imagine if you will that your life is missing something. Perhaps that something is a heart-shaped red cereal bowl, and thanks to the giant advert in the morning paper, you know just the place to purchase said bowl. So you hop in your car and head to your nearest department store/shopping centre/IKEA. Now imagine that you're met in the car park by a shop assistant. When you enquire as to the location of this heart-shaped red cereal bowl, he just nonchalantly points to the entrance of the shop and grunts, therefore leaving you to walk up and down the aisles, searching high and low until you find what you're looking for. This is what it's like to send visitors to your website's homepage via your targeted pay-per click adverts. You're leaving it up to them to find their way around your site, searching for the very thing you suggested they'd find by clicking your advert in the first place. Instead you need your website to be the shop assistant who'll happily and quickly locate the item your customer was looking for, with minimal fuss or time spent searching.

Photo credit: Blair's Lucky Charms via photopin (license)


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